CREATION   VS   MAN                                              


This is my second letter to the Church, who I expect to be major players in the battle that Creation will be waging against Man.
I hinted in my first letter that some major changes would be necessary for Creation to win this battle, and these changes are spelled out more clearly in this letter. Quite simply WE HAVE TO BEGIN SHAKING THE FOUNDATIONS UPON WHICH OUR “CURRENT ORDER” IS BASED. Socialism, freedom, democracy, national sovereignty, religions, welfare statism and human rights have to come under the microscope.
Why?  Because these laws form the current ‘rule book’ that determines the way ‘Man’ acts, and we know Man ( mainly ‘current’ ) caused “the human storm”.
We also know that we cannot change how Man is made, or the natural way he acts, which are determined by his inborn survival instincts. So the only thing we can change are ‘the rules’, which currently are made by Man alone.
These two aspects, Man and his rule book, were described in my last letter as the two lightening bolts that caused most of the damage in ” the human storm” that knocked Creation flat out onto the canvas….that paragraph is worth repeating below.

” Those are the two giant bolts of lightening in the perfect human storm. The great brain of Man has created inventions and science that have enabled him to physically conquer Nature, and secondly, he has invented new laws of his own that are diametrically opposite to the rules of restraint and self discipline of the past. The new modern ‘giving’ State has now booted out ‘the restraining Church’.

In THIS letter, we will look more closely at Man and the Rules he lives by.

We now know, thank Heaven, that ‘we are animal’, and, like all other living species on Earth, our actions are controlled by our overriding and unchangeable survival instincts. Which in turn make us naturally selfish, greedy, lustful and aggressive. And when these natural instincts are coupled together with a giant supercharger in the form of a rational human brain, you get the most proficient exploiter and profit maker our planet has ever seen.
We are what we are. Like every other living creature, we arrive on Earth and are thrown head first into the great ‘game of life’, where you need to use all your survival instincts to the full in order to survive against your fellow competitors, find your mate and move up your own ladder of life. Playing this game gives you ‘the meaning of life’, or full spiritual fulfilment. End of story. That is what we are borne to do.

This provides us with a simple, natural and commonsensical reason why and how mankind has been able to exploit his natural surroundings, which include his fellow humans, his animal cousins and his environment, to near extinction. So far, we can’t be blamed for what we have done. Because we have just lived out our natural make up.
What has happened was always going to happen. ( Unless of course Moses lived on…!).

The only reason humanity has survived up to this day,  and not exploited itself into extinction, has been the gradual build up, over the last 3 million odd years, of a set of rules, or codes of conduct, to restrain these natural survival instincts sufficiently to allow Man to live together with Man. These, in turn, allowed communities to survive and knowledge to be shared. These laws have been referred to as the ‘timeless Laws of God’ or ‘ the eternal laws of humanity which should never be interfered with’.
These laws were sufficiently successful in bringing humanity into the modern era, when the build up of knowledge eventually caused the perfect human storm.

The only reason why humans have survived better than the animal kingdom and the environment was because the ‘Words of God’ or the ‘eternal laws of humanity’, comprising of the basic laws of restraint, ONLY RELATED TO HUMANS. Good manners and ‘love thy neighbour’ were for human consumption only.  Nature and the animal kingdom were so unbelievably strong, yet subservient, in relationship to Man, that nobody ever thought laws were needed to protect them. They were, after all, the very things that allowed Man to profit himself.

There we have the two ‘bolts of lightening’.
If we can understand them, we then have a clearer picture as to how to move forward.
Forgive me for repeating…..We know we cannot change the way we are, so we have to concentrate on the other side of the equation. We change the rules.
Mankind must still be able to play his competitive game, on a level playing field, and compete against his fellow man, and get his ‘meaning of life’, but under new rules.
So let’s look at these new laws. Because Creation will only be able to win the battle over Man if the laws are good, and even if they are good they will still have to be obeyed.

We leave the technical side to the experts. Suffice to say that the main part of saving Creation will be played by the individual human being in the many and varied tiny little things he or she does in the course of each day. As per Sister Teresa Martin, ” Sainthood is attainable by anyone, however lowly or untalented they are, simply by doing small things in the discharge of their daily duties in the perfect spirit and love of God.”
Individual action underpins everything, and the Church’s main every day message should remind each and every one of us about this. Time and time and time again.


For new rules why not substitute old rules. Because the old rules were simply the end product of a succession of wise old men over many hundreds of generations who knew, by trial and error, that Man needed some pretty strict rules with some pretty harsh punishments if he was to stay on the straight and narrow sufficiently to allow societies to exist in peace. These old rules brought us happily surviving into the 20th century.

Well, we are all human, and we know humans make mistakes.  “Human Error” is part of our vocabulary.  So maybe we should not be surprised to hear that after Mankind knocked Creation out of the ring he thought he knew all the answers. And anyway, having sacked his time honoured Headmaster, there was no one left to challenge his decisions.
Thus it was that two or three generations of new ‘wise men’, ( the new kids on the block ), kicked out the combined wisdom of 10,000 years of old wise men. And have been patting themselves on the back until this very day.!.(.and are still blissfully unaware of the banana skin just around the corner..)

New wise men are putting themselves on  centre stage, giving themselves prizes and applauding themselves. Why can they do this unopposed. Because one of the prizes that they have awarded themselves is called Democracy. As long as laws pass through this particular ‘Holy Grail’ of a laundering system, they become sacrosanct. Why.? Because they represent the ‘oh so fair’ “will of the people”. It is upon the back of this false god Democracy that the Western World is claiming moral ‘Headmastership’ of our planet. The god is false because it is based on Man’s selfishness for Man. Man chooses what is best for himself and governments give Man what he wants every time, because selfish governments want to stay in power. Creation is off the map. Thank you and good bye. Other prizes that Man has given unto himself, for his own comfort and pleasure, include the airbrushing out of the rules of restraint, saying goodbye to corporal punishment, which caused the fear that made those laws of restraint work, the welcoming in of pornography,          ( where were all of you when the courageous Mary Whitehouse was fighting her lonely battle?), the trumpeting in of freedom on a scale never before even dreamt about by the common man, and the year on year suffocation caused by the ever so caring Welfare State, interfering with individuals and families day in, day out, across a whole range of responsibilities that used to be dealt with at home. Each and every one of these so called prizes opened the lid of Pandora’s Box one more notch. And with each opening notch, so human individual responsibility decreased and human bad/animal behaviour increased. And still we all cry out yet again for more help from The State and The State continues to plaster over the cracks. The human being continues the long and slow process of becoming less able than he was borne to be…and what kind of a moral statement is that in the face of your Creator.

That is a very general tirade about the new rules introduced by ‘the current order’ and how they affect the manners and responsibility of mankind in their normal day to day activities.

There are just two other rather large boxes that have to be ticked in order for our planet to survive. We have to get rid of warfare ( which is wired into our make-up) and it’s new tools of mass destruction. Thus, firstly, the concept of ‘national sovereignty’ will have to disappear in favour of a ‘responsible one world authority’. As long as this authority is ” under God “( Creation, environment ) it will have all the moral authority it needs to be ” over the people “. ‘The people’ will require strong governance because they will be fighting the most difficult war they have ever had to fight, because this time “we will be our own enemy”, in the war of reducing economies.

Secondly, religions will have to follow the same concept. Individual Gods and Prophets will still continue to be worshipped but each and every religion will have to fall under an overriding religious umbrella based on environmental well being. No religion can argue against this as the overriding necessity of human activity on earth will be to help God’s Creation rather than hindering it, as religious squabbles have been doing in the past. 


WHOWW!!!….that is asking for an awful lot of change …and The Church I am hoping will be the main levers of change…so where to begin…??..Well, let us try and keep things simple. Some of you may have already guessed the first step to take. Yes…..a simple change of management is necessary. The new but false gods of freedom and democracy have to be bounced out. We have enough evidence to show that they are heading us down the wrong road. It is quite logical therefore to welcome back our old and proven Headmaster, in the form of the God of Creation.

Mankind will yet again have to look over his shoulder and ask a Higher Authority other than himself if he is making the correct decisions relative to Man’s action on this Earth.

Impossible….??… Not at all. It has already started to happen with The Supreme Court rejecting Runway3 on environmental grounds.

So into the breach my friends you go. You are God’s representatives on Earth and your job is not to look after Mankind, but to make sure Mankind behaves in a Godlike way. And that means looking after Creation. You have the brains, you have the articulation and you have the stage to start rattling the cage.


CHANGE IS NEEDED… change the rules = you change Man’s actions = you save Creation


Kind Regards,       Philip Arundell.

  1. A simple clarification of a big point…THE RULES…remember, we can’t ‘change’ Man, so we have to change “the rules”. What are they, and how do they come about.? Let us simplify everything down to one word….MANNERS.

The negative side is made up of the rules of restraint..(all the “thou shalt nots”) which are backed up by meaningful punishment, which causes meaningful fear, to make sure the rules are adhered to. The positive side is made up of “giving” (‘love thy neighbour’), the giving of your wealth, your time, your love or your life for the benefit of others.

These manners brought ‘ape/savage’ into civilisation, and these same manners will save Mother Earth.


More of where this came from can be seen on